

The library is supported on Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, and Windows.

The following compilers are supported to compile both the library and the tests:

  • GCC 4.9+ (Can be relaxed to GCC 4.6+ when not using C++)

  • Clang 3.4+

  • MSVC 14+ (Included in Visual Studio 2015 or later)

Building from source

First, install dependencies:

  • C/C++ compiler

  • Meson, Ninja

  • CMake (for subprojects)

  • pkg-config

  • libffi (libffi-dev)

  • libgit2 (libgit2-dev)

Other runtime dependencies will be bundled if they are not available on the system (BoxFort, debugbreak, klib, nanomsg, nanopb).

Clone this repository:

$ git clone --recursive

Then, run the following commands to build Criterion:

$ meson build
$ ninja -C build

Installing the library and language files (Linux, macOS, FreeBSD)

Run with an elevated shell:

$ ninja -C build install


To compile your tests with Criterion, you need to make sure to:

  1. Add the include directory to the header search path

  2. Install the library to your library search path

  3. Link Criterion to your executable.

This should be all you need.